Based in Selangor, Hong Seng Plumbing is a company that specialises in plumbing and sanitary fittings installation services.
We can undertake both big and small pipes clearing and fixing works. Other than that, we also offer leaking roof repair and waterproofing services.
You can count on us on all plumbing and sanitary installation problems, we will solve it for you at a very reasonable price.
Since we are the specialist in this field, you can rest assured that you won’t encounter the same problem again in near future.
We provide for selected areas around Kuala Lumpur and Selangor.
Hong Seng 专门提供水喉修理、水管安装服务。无论任何大、小水管清理和修复工程,我们可以承接并答应将在最短的时间内给